Osbourne Store Texaco Serv Station - Jamaica
Osbourne Store Texaco Serv Station
1 Review
Osbourne Store Texaco Serv Station987-3256https://www.jamaicaindex.com/img/site/default-business2.jpg
Company name
Osbourne Store Texaco Serv Station
Osbourne Store, Jamaica
Contact number
Listed in categories
Osbourne Store Texaco Serv Station987-3256https://www.jamaicaindex.com/img/site/default-business2.jpg
Bad service
On Thursday January 04, 2018 while on my way to Mandeville, Manchester, in my 2010 Diesel powered Toyota Prado, I stopped at the Texaco Service Station in Osbourne Store, Clarendon to purchase fuel.
When I stopped the Attendant asked if I wanted 87 or 90. I told her Diesel, and my son-in-law who was driving the vehicle repeated Diesel.
She filled up the tank and we were on our way. When we reached Porus the vehicle started to lose power. It could hardly climb the Melrose Hill. Any way we continued, trying to find a proper place to stop so we could see what the problem was. When we reached the Greenvale Service Station in Manchester the vehicle came to a complete stop and the engine cut out by itself and we could not restart it.
We became suspicious that gasoline was placed in the vehicle instead of Diesel. This was confirmed by the gas Station Attendant at Greenvale. We therefore called a mechanic who came and confirmed that it was gasoline in the vehicle and not Diesel oil.
The vehicle had to be towed to the mechanic shop where he drained the gasoline.
We conducted our business in Mandeville and on our way we stopped at the Osbourne Store Texaco to make a complaint. We asked for the manager or supervisor we were told that neither of them was there and could not be located as they have no telephone number or address for them. The employees stated that it was a policy to give a number printed on a receipt (that they had retrieved from a dustbin), should anyone need to contact the person in charge. One number rang without answer while the other provided a message that it was out of service. While in the store we saw the Attendant and she recalled serving us earlier, however she could not remember what she put in the vehicle. During our futile attempts to contact someone that was in charge, a young woman appeared from inside the office and went to deal with a gasoline delivery truck. Through overhearing conversation between the employees, we discovered that she was the "owner's Daughter". One of the employees went outside to speak to her and returned to give us a statement that did not show a willingness to help, and therefore left us with only one person to deal with; the attendant who had given us the gasoline.
I expressed that all I needed was reimbursement for the towing fee and mechanic services, as well as the diesel oil that i should have received in the first place.
They asked us if we had a sample of the mixed gasoline, but we did not at the time as it was left in Mandeville. They went on to state that if we had brought back all the gasoline the Attendant who sold us could sell it back to a mechanic beside the gas station and get the money to reimburse us. therefore seeing that we did not have the gasoline there was nothing she could do. All this discussion was being done with a group of attendants and the cashier, as up until now, we had not seen or spoken to a single person that was in charge.
When I stopped the Attendant asked if I wanted 87 or 90. I told her Diesel, and my son-in-law who was driving the vehicle repeated Diesel.
She filled up the tank and we were on our way. When we reached Porus the vehicle started to lose power. It could hardly climb the Melrose Hill. Any way we continued, trying to find a proper place to stop so we could see what the problem was. When we reached the Greenvale Service Station in Manchester the vehicle came to a complete stop and the engine cut out by itself and we could not restart it.
We became suspicious that gasoline was placed in the vehicle instead of Diesel. This was confirmed by the gas Station Attendant at Greenvale. We therefore called a mechanic who came and confirmed that it was gasoline in the vehicle and not Diesel oil.
The vehicle had to be towed to the mechanic shop where he drained the gasoline.
We conducted our business in Mandeville and on our way we stopped at the Osbourne Store Texaco to make a complaint. We asked for the manager or supervisor we were told that neither of them was there and could not be located as they have no telephone number or address for them. The employees stated that it was a policy to give a number printed on a receipt (that they had retrieved from a dustbin), should anyone need to contact the person in charge. One number rang without answer while the other provided a message that it was out of service. While in the store we saw the Attendant and she recalled serving us earlier, however she could not remember what she put in the vehicle. During our futile attempts to contact someone that was in charge, a young woman appeared from inside the office and went to deal with a gasoline delivery truck. Through overhearing conversation between the employees, we discovered that she was the "owner's Daughter". One of the employees went outside to speak to her and returned to give us a statement that did not show a willingness to help, and therefore left us with only one person to deal with; the attendant who had given us the gasoline.
I expressed that all I needed was reimbursement for the towing fee and mechanic services, as well as the diesel oil that i should have received in the first place.
They asked us if we had a sample of the mixed gasoline, but we did not at the time as it was left in Mandeville. They went on to state that if we had brought back all the gasoline the Attendant who sold us could sell it back to a mechanic beside the gas station and get the money to reimburse us. therefore seeing that we did not have the gasoline there was nothing she could do. All this discussion was being done with a group of attendants and the cashier, as up until now, we had not seen or spoken to a single person that was in charge.
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