Northern Caribbean University NCU - Mandeville, Jamaica

A leading institution for higher education in Jamaica.
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University name
Northern Caribbean University NCU
Northern Caribbean University Manchester Rd. Mandeville Manchester Jamaica West Indies
Contact number
1-876-618-1652 1-876-963-7000/7400
Mobile phone
1-888-429-5628 (Toll Free)
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Company description
About Northern Caribbean University
Northern Caribbean University (NCU) is a private, liberal-arts institution, located in Jamaica, that is owned and operated by the Jamaica Union Conference and the Atlantic Caribbean Union Mission of Seventh-day Adventists (comprising the territories the Bahamas, Cayman Islands and the Turks and Caicos Islands). With its main campus only 2 miles south of the town of Mandeville, in Manchester, and three regional campuses situated in Kingston, Montego Bay and St. Ann, this university offers a number of professional, pre-professional and vocational programmes in a spiritually wholesome and aesthetically pleasing atmosphere.

NCU operates in harmony with the beliefs, practices and educational philosophy of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. As such, it  
Show more encourages students to relate their academic pursuits to their understanding of the Christian faith. It emphasizes the development of a sound Christian character and seeks to maintain an atmosphere, which fosters in its students, commitment and growth in a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Thus, faith and learning combine to prepare students for practical Christian usefulness.

In their conduct and dealings, faculty, staff and students alike must comply with the standards set by the institution in keeping with our Seventh-day Adventist beliefs. For more information about Seventh-day Adventist beliefs, visit


Founded in 1907 the institution started with only 8 students. It operated as the West Indian Training School in Riversdale, St. Catherine and at first only offered courses up to the twelfth grade. The school moved to its current location near Mandeville, Manchester in 1919. As its offerings developed to include theology, teaching, secretarial science, business, and natural sciences, it became a junior college and was then called the West Indian Training College.

It achieved senior college status in the late 1950's when it began to offer the Bachelor's degree in Theology and was known as West Indies College. Since then, baccalaureate programmes in some twenty other disciplines have been added. The college was granted university status in 1999 by the Jamaican Government and the school became Northern Caribbean University. Presently the university offers over seventy degree programmes, (several of which are graduate programmes) in the sciences, business and education.
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Jamaican schools
Jamaican universities
College of education and religion
Graduate studies
College of continuing education
College of arts and sciences
Christian education
Seventh day
Christian university
Seventh-day adventist
Northern caribbean universityJamaica


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