Rose -Green Marion & Company - Kingston, Jamaica

1 Review
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Rose -Green Marion & Company
62 Duke Street, Kingston, Jamaica
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Rose Green
Marion Rose Green
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1 Review
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Car accident.
During the dispensation period of 2013, Mrs Rose Green Marion had represented my husband and I, in a car accident that took place in Spanish Town, St Catherine, Jamaica. The case had settled in court back in 2017 for a judgement amount, which I'm not going to state. However, up until today, I have not heard anything from Mrs Green regarding my settlement. As a patron, I do believe that,my settlement is being kept by her law firm in the best of her interest to collect interest on my money. It has been 2 yrs coming October since the case has been settled. Failure on her behalf of the firm to contact me is unethical. I wouldn't recommend her and her firm to represent anyone in the community, because of lack of communication and brief of judgement with my settlement. On going 6 yrs.
Dear Madam,

We are aware of certain complaints being made in the public forum against our offices in relation to proceedings which were allegedly determined in the Supreme Court, King Street sometime in October 2017, and at this juncture, we are severely handicapped in addressing any of the named issues in this forum as we are unable to verify whether or not the author of this said review is indeed our client.

Our office prides itself in ensuring that the privacy of our clients, both past and present are protected at all times and we aim only to provide our said clients with service at the highest standard. Thus, this review is quite surprising to us as we have had no complaints from our client to our offices in relation to any issues and/or dissatisfaction with our services provided. We do know that our client was provided with all the necessary updates in respect of her matter and the status of her said case was disclosed to and discussed personally with her husband when he visited our offices, and all relevant documents were disclosed to him.

In light of this review, we have since contacted our client in an effort to open further dialogue with her in relation to her matter and to ascertain the truth of these comments. If there has been any misunderstanding between ourselves and our client, you can rest assured that resolving these said issues will be our number one priority as client satisfaction remains of utmost importance to us.

If indeed you are our client, we ask that you contact our offices as a matter of urgency and/or respond promptly to our letter at your earliest convenience so that this issue may be resolved at its soonest.

We look forward to hearing from you.

Marion Rose-Green and Company

Questions & Answers

My sister mailed some documents to the Duke St address from overseas and it was returned.Please confirm your address so she can resend the documents

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