Barry's Bold As Love - Jamaica
Barry's Bold As Love
1 Review
Barry's Bold As LoveNorman Manley Blvd, Ngrl876-886-6586
Company name
Barry's Bold As Love
Norman Manley Blvd, Ngrl, Jamaica
Contact number
Company manager Barry Allen
Company description
Small clean rooms with great rates on the beach next to the Bar B Barn.
Frinedly people. Grood place for the explorer or back packer.
Rooms from 30.00us
Close to shopping and entertainment
Frinedly people. Grood place for the explorer or back packer.
Rooms from 30.00us
Close to shopping and entertainment
Listed in categories
Barry's Bold As LoveNorman Manley Blvd, Ngrl876-886-6586
great place to say,Cheap friendly and a lot of fun.
Cean but small room at a great rate.
Cean but small room at a great rate.
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