SORA Student Overseas Recruiting Agency - Kingston, Jamaica
Helping students achieve global education opportunities.
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SORA Student Overseas Recruiting Agency
Suite # 21 216 Old Hope Road Kingston 6, Jamaica
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Company description
Student Overseas Recruiting Agency (SORA) was founded by Jason Harvy, who was a former Student of the University of Technology Jamaica. He participated on the J1 work and travel program for four consecutive years. As a result of travelling to various states in the US, he began forming networks with friends and former employers that he encountered while working and travelling overseas. Which in his testimony? changed his life forever? He then developed a desire to share his experience with others. And what better way to do this than to create a J1 work and travel program of his own namely ?SORA?. The establishment of SORA allows students of similar background and with similar drive and ambition the opportunity to explore new possibilities and start new beginnings. We aid in this regard by
S.O.R.A will be working with J1 sponsors from the USA who will be providing participants who are qualied with DS-2019, medical insurance and other relevant documents. These documents are required to obtain a J1 visa and while in the USA ongoing assistance with monitoring the students throughout the entire summer period.
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providing impeccable service that is built on a foundation of honesty and trust. In an effort to fulll the expectations of our participants, we will be working hand in hand with our students to make their summer with SORA not only successful but unforgettable. Moreover, Mr Harvy believes that he could share the knowledge and experience that he gained through a ripple effect, that is, ?a simple act of caring creates an endless ripple?S.O.R.A will be working with J1 sponsors from the USA who will be providing participants who are qualied with DS-2019, medical insurance and other relevant documents. These documents are required to obtain a J1 visa and while in the USA ongoing assistance with monitoring the students throughout the entire summer period.
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